The past 20 years
Over the past 20 years I have been on my own journey of self-discovery. As a young woman I faced many of the issues our culture presents us with. For me, they could be summed up in If you have this, if you look a certain way, if you do this...then you ll be happy! Of course - that sort of happiness was only ever short-lived, the next thing would come along, and I would find ways to attain it.

During this time I bought a copy of The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book had a huge impact on me. It explained how you are never going to be truly happy if you believe the lies that you are telling yourself: I m not smart enough, I m not pretty enough, I m not good enough etc etc. This made so much sense to me - though I admit I also felt a little frustrated - how could I actually change all of these thoughts? Was it even possible?

To help me explore this, I found a coach who was a direct student of Don Miguel Ruiz, who gave me practical exercises to do. Through them I got a better understanding of my self-limiting beliefs and behaviours, and more importantly - they gave me ways of changing them!

20 years later and I am still on a path to self-discovery and exploration. It will be an ongoing journey to keep honouring who I am through all the changes that life brings. We are all complex and beautiful beings who are always evolving and changing - yet within all those changes is the unique person that I am - that you are.

A bit about my professional background: I have always been fascinated by beauty. By beauty I mean beauty in all its forms: beauty in nature, color, art, people, animals, creative expressions, interior design, music etc. After I finished my masters degree, I wanted to create a career in beauty so I went to makeup school in Paris. I wanted to work in makeup because I loved how, with a couple of simple tricks and tips you can not only look, but also feel better.

A 15 year-long career in the international cosmetics world followed, working for brands like Bobbi Brown, La Mer, Becca and MAC Cosmetics; travelling from South Africa to Finland and many places in between.

During this time I learned one universal truth: everybody wants to look and feel their best, no matter your gender or nationality. Nobody gets out of bed in the morning thinking let s feel and look as crappy as possible today . We all make an effort to feel good that day.

In my corporate career I managed large, international teams, and I found this part of my job fun and rewarding. This was a perfect playing field to practice the things I had been learning during my own self-development process, and I loved coaching people to feel their best, both in their jobs and in their private lives. I wanted to not only focus on the outer beauty with makeup but even more so on inner beauty so I decided to become a professional coach.

I completed a one year coaching program with Third Space London (a partnership with New Ventures West) and got certified as an Integral Coach (ICF recognized). I have completed my Level 1 Internal Family Systems (IFS) training with the Instituto IFS Madrid.

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